I want you to know how much I appreciate everyone who visits my blog and leaves me comments and emails. Each and every comment makes me smile. I hope that in 2009, I can provide some inspiration for you and your creative projects, and I'm sure I'll learn from many of you too!
I hope that you all have your holiday gift giving, all wrapped up so that you can sit back and just enjoy your friends and family. I'll be headed to my sister's house, and there will be about 8 of us. I'm really excited to have some time to spend, and maybe play some board games with the kids and just get caught up.
I for one have been a mad person trying to make sure that I have everyone covered. It's a little challenging this year. We have cut back a bit, and I think the most important thing is not the money, but finding just the right gift for each person. I think my theme for this Christmas season could be summed up by one word "simplify"
I got the house cleaned out and the clutter is gone. If I haven't used it in a year, out it goes! I searched and searched through my things and realized that I have NO Christmas tags left, so I decided to make some! Take a 12 x 12 and cut it into 4 inch strips. I took the three strips i got, and cut them all at once with my Stampin' Up! cutter. I cut the other side at 3" so I got 12 tags out of one sheet of 12 x 12.. If you've got the things hanging around, don't forget to be creative if you need to to get the job done!
I know that I've been a blog slacker, but I will have some fun posts coming this week, so please check back if you can. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, and any other holiday I missed. If you don't celebrate a holiday at this time of year, I hope you find the time to catch up with the ones you love.