Veterans Day is tomorrow and it's that time of year again! Last year we donated over 200 cards for our troops together. This year, we're doing it again!

Want to help out? There are a few ways!
- Come to my place on November 18th and help me make some cards to be donated to our service people overseas. They will get the handmade cards and can use them to send home to their loved ones.
- Don't have time that night? Make some cards or one card and drop it to me by Friday November 20th
- Would you like to do more? Check out the wish list here. You can drop what you'd like to donate at my place, and I will deliver all our donations (as a group) to the event to sponsor boxes for our troops at the Princeton Station Restaurant, on November 20th.
More information:
Helping Our Troops (H.O.T.) is a program designed to support our American Hero's from Eastern Massachusetts serving overseas. We are an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) public charity based out of Stoneham, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Selene, unfortunately I can't come and play with you - but would love to donate some cards I've made. Send me an email of that's OK and give me your address and I'll send some to you.
We've attended this parade every year since its inception on November 6, 2006, when the original parade route preceded east on Ogden's Historic 25th Street, then north on Washington Boulevard, and then west on 24th Street, and then south again to Ogden's Lindquist Park.
This message, is matchless)))
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