I'm sorry that I sort of took the weekend off from blogging, but I had a really great weekend. I had a little time off and got into my house and
really cleaned it. I started with my daughters room and realized she drew with crayons on the wall. I broke out my Mr. Clean magic eraser and took care of that... I came into the living room and noticed a scuff on the wall, and it took it off... Well, then I was on a mission. I had painted my walls only a few years ago, but they were all scuffed with black marks from furnature moves, and breaking a hole in the wall for my craft room and more...
So, I scrubbed and scrubbed, and got ALL the black marks off. I was finally able to hang my "home" decor elements that I got as a hostess freebee from SU!, quite some time ago. Then we went and got the tree and decorated it. It only fell over twice!! That's good, right?? The photos do not do this justice, it looks so pretty in real life.

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