I have had a few inquiries about this event. Please take a look at the
registration form if you are interested in participating.
World card making day is October 4th. To celebrate, my team of demonstrators and I have decided to do a day to support the Ronald McDonald house near us in Brookline, MA. These cute little 2x3" gift cards are a way of thanking you our customers for participating in an order to support this VERY worthwhile cause.
Every day, the Ronald McDonald house in Brookline, takes families in who have loved ones in local area hospitals. I would like to give something back to benefit this worthwhile cause.
First ~ On world card making day I'm going to have an open house where you can come and make cards with pre~cut packets that are ready to go. you will get to design the cards based on each packet, which might be good practice for those of you who are nervous about creating your own design.
Next, I have a wish list of items that the RMH needs currently. When you bring one or more items from the list, you get a raffle ticket. I have just been informed by Stampin' Up! that they are sending me a huge basket of goodies to raffle off to you just for helping! Isn't that AWESOME??
Finally, there is the preorder. You may place an order directly with me and receive the ronald mcdonald house set AND the coordinating punch on the day of the event! In addition, I will make the cute note cards and envelopes shown above FOR you. All the instant income from the preorder will be donated via check, directly to the house. The hostess benefits will be used to purchase envelopes for the donation. So, for every person that orders the bundle from me, stampin' up will donate $2 to the charity, and I will give the house in Brookline a check for $6.78 for EVERY stamp bundle sold. Would you like to reserve your bundle and note cards right now ? Send me an email at e.selene@verizon.net and we will get you started!
Thanks for helping me support a great cause!