You've been waiting! Here are some of the photo's from Saturday's Huge Stamp Out Breast Cancer Event! I am missing LOTS of people here... and wish I had taken more photos... We had an amazing time and raised:

Over TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! For Breast Cancer through
Making Strides. Please note: our online total has not been updated yet... But this is me, handing Jean from Making Strides $1000 in cash and checks! So Darn Cool!!!

So here are some random pictures from the event! Judy M won the big shot door prize! She didn't already have one and has been wanting one for AGES!!! I threw in an embossing folder so she could get moving right when she got home! So very fun!

This is a photo of a few of the participants, and Kerin Sylvester. Kerin was our artist. She designed the 5 projects that everyone made that day.. Boy they were easy for folks who had never stamped before, and they were great for folks that have been stamping forever! Absolutely perfect... Isn't she cute!!??

This is a photo of Jean from making strides drawing our other "grand prize." And that is Becky, who won a WHOLE BAG full of stamping goodies donated by Kerin (above). There were chalk pastels, and at least 5 packs of paper. Check out the display behind Becky.. There were all kinds of display boards for taking pictures and getting inspiration. Scrapbook samples and 3D's...

Here's another big WINNING face! Andrea, won a free night's stay to the Burlington, Hyatt Summerfield Suites. The Hyatt graciously donated that free night stay certificate... When we read the back, we realized it's good for a one, two or 3 BEDROOM suite! Now, when I toured this hotel for the event. I saw that every room in the hotel is a suite with a fully furnished kitchen for up to 4 people. The two bedroom suites, have two separate bedrooms with king sized beds, and two full bathrooms.. They are connected by a nice common area.
Andrea is planning a girls weekend away with her certificate! I hope I'm invited!

This is one of my good friends Joanne with my little one. Alexis took her turn going through and making all the cards.. I think her cards look really good, and she's starting her own collection of cards to have on hand with the cards she made at the event.

I figured out the day of the event that my friend Jeannie (Bean) and I have been friends for eighteen years! She was one of my BFF's when I was a DJ and she actually was the DJ for my wedding. I asked her if she could bring a microphone with amp for us to use, and she showed up with all her gear! We had a full DJ with wonderful mood music all day long! Jean also got in on the raffles and won this awesome candle from partylite!

Our front desk crew! I'm not sure how I missed getting a picture of Tami White and Linda, who donated all kinds of extra goodies to our raffle and was in charge of one of the 5 projects. If you have a picture of Tami at the event, can you email me! Tami must have been running in stealth mode on Saturday!.
This is a picture of her mom, and Stampin' Up! demonstrator Sharon and my mom Christine. We put them in charge of all the money. :D They took care of everyone who was preregistered and organized everyone, greeted them at the door and took care of all of us, all day!

Regina (left) and Christine (right) is one dynamic duo! In addition to being in charge of one of the projects, Christine was our guest speaker of the day. She told us her story and about her mom's fight with breast cancer, not once or twice, but three times. Chris lost her mom to breast cancer two years ago. Her family has been participating in the walk for breast cancer for years.

Here are some more of our lady hero's. Marilyn (top) Stacey (bottom left) and Michelle (bottom right) also had provided projects for the event! Marilyn came up with the idea for a prayer intentions board, which is now beautifully displayed in my craft room.

Here's a bird's eye view of the room during the first raffle (thanks for the picture Kim).

Finally, here's a shot of the prayer board..

Won't you participate next year? Mark your calendars for world card making day 2011 and join us in the fight against breast cancer... Also... I want to give a BIG shout out to
Kimberly Van Diepen who put the idea in my head and ran her own breast cancer event on Saturday raising over $6000. She helped me organize the idea over the phone.
I also just want to say... I'm coming away from this experience inspired. The beautiful women that came and participated decorated the room with their beautiful attitude and I can see that energy staying with me for quite some time! It was nothing short of a beautiful experience!
Gracious Thanks To All,
Selene Kempton