
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/9 Just Thinking and Parkers' Pattern Designer Series Paper

Well, I'm off!  Today, I'm meeting my brother and we will be spending the day in Disney!  So I won't be on to make a blog post.  This one is scheduled. 

The colors on this card are marina mist, not quite navy and cherry cobbler.  Such a gorgeous masculine mix, wouldn't you say? 

Stamps: Just thinking single stamp 129940 $11.95
Ink: marina mist, not quite navy and cherry cobbler
Paper: Parkers Patterns Designer Paper, Very Vanilla, not quite navy, and marina mist!  :)

So excited to be heading to Florida!  By the time you're reading this, I'll already be there.  :)  Yea!

Rubbah hugs,
Selene Kempton
My Stampin' Up! Store


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