
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Scrapbooking, Stampin' Up! Style

I haven't done any journaling on these pages yet, but we made this beautiful set of pages at the last scrapbook meeting.  I'm going to have Brian write on them about our day of going to pick out a tree. 
Alexis begged us to get a "real tree" this year, so we went to a local tree farm, Turkey Hill.  I certainly don't need much for Christmas.  I'm just happy to be here and crafting.  It's awesome to see the joy on her face every time she comes in from school and belts out "Oh Christmas Tree"

Happy Holiday's to you and yours.

Selene Kempton, Creative Coach
Sr. Manager
My Stampin' Up! Store / 25 Days of Christmas Projects!

Christmas Mini Book ~ 25 days of Christmas, Day 25!

Good Morning Friends!

I hope you are all ready to go for your holiday celebrations (I know I'm not).  teehee!  But it's all good!  This year, I have been thinking about making some mini scrapbooks.  I actually had plans to offer these as a kit and ran out of time.

My album consists of twenty 6 x 6 scrapbook pages.

9 -two page spreads, with a front and back page.  These are my favorite pages from the mini book.  I'll be filling mine with photos and giving it to Brian's Aunt Betty. 

Very simple pages with any freestanding bows pre-tied, a half of a simply scrappin kit.  Lots of extra paper for mattes, ribbons, bows, and three wooden buttons.  Very cool stuff!  :)

If you're still interested in getting a kit, just pop me an email and I could make you one up.  They are $35 with shipping, or $30 if you are going to come pick one up.  :)  I will send you all the pictures of my pages, but you could feel free to just sit and play with the pieces. I had a ball putting mine together.

That's it for now, but I've been playing with some new things too!  Lots to share coming soon!! 

Selene Kempton, Creative Coach

Sr. Manager
My Stampin' Up! Store / 25 Days of Christmas Projects!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12 Stampin' Up! Jolly Bingo Bits Gift Tags ~ 25 Days of Christmas Projects Day 24

Good Morning Friends!

Today I am sharing one of my club projects from last month.  How about some simple gift tags?  If you are cutting them from a sheet of 12 x 12 card stock, you can get 18 tags per sheet!

To cut the base, just score a sheet of 12 x 12 at 2, 6 and  10.  Then cut (same direction) at 4 and 8".
Then you can cut the 12 x 4" strips at 2" intervals and you get 18, scored 2x4 inch tags. Aren't they wicked cute?  This little stamp set Jolly Bingo Bits, is in the main catalog on page 22.  Such a cute little set!

For these tags I also used the 1 1/4" scallop circle punch, a 1 3/8" circle punch and some cherry cobbler bakers twine.  Each of the punched images are up on one dimensional.  A short product supply list and super quick if you need some tags in a hurry!  :)

Another quick project for a hectic time of year.  See you tomorrow for some more fun projects!

Selene Kempton, Creative Coach

Sr. Manager
My Stampin' Up! Store / 25 Days of Christmas Projects!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/11 Sweet Original Design Gift Card Holder Template, Stampin' Up! ~ 25 Days of Christmas Day 23

Good Morning!

Do not adjust your monitors!  I'm back!  I know that I have been MIA and I've started getting emails, lots of emails, {wow} asking where I am!  Well, I'm here!  (Thanks for writing!)

I have been working like a mad person with the holiday crunch, a workshop for my friend Kelci this past Sunday.  An ornament class, 10 handmade ornaments and 25 original gift card holders for the local florist who needed some things for her holiday stroll this past weekend.  I'm here, but I'm working like crazy!

Did I mention that I made over 100 Christmas cards last week for my clients and friends and I'm working on getting them in the mail this week.  For some of the cards, I even made the envelopes!  :)

Alas, but no partridge in a pear tree, thank goodness!  {chuckle here}  I wouldn't know how to take care of one!  :)

I have been busy, and I know my blog was a little neglected.  Rest assured I have SO much left to share with you!  This little prized project was one of the projects from my workshop this weekend.   All the ladies at the private class will be getting the pattern in their inbox for taking the private class/workshop.

For this simple gift card holder, I got a picture in my head, drew it out on cardstock, scanned it, redrew it in adobe illustrator, then saved it as a PDF.  Then I was able to print it out on cardstock and cut and score where I put the specific lines.  Now, it's VERY easy to put together.  Just cut on the solid lines and score on the dotted lines.

You'll need a piece of velcro to keep the box shut, or you can just make a belly band out of paper, or tie a ribbon on to keep it closed.  Super duper easy peasy!

When we assembled it this weekend at the workshop, we used the new trimmer from Stampin Up.  In some cases we could cut, then score without even moving the paper, the way the holder is designed.  This project went very quick in class even though I only have one paper trimmer.  Click here to shop in my store for this cutter and for a short video to show how it works

Now ~ I can show some more examples when I get down to the florist and snap a photo, BUT, if you want, you can substitute some of the tags from SU and they fit across the top of the gift card holder perfectly and can become the top of the box.  You would THINK I planned it, but it just worked out to be the exact same size.  Isn't that funny?  I will get you some pictures of that.

This designer paper is just gorgeous!  I had a bunch left over from the breast cancer event, and now, I'm almost out!  :)  In fact, I'm almost out of every ounce of designer paper!  I've been a busy little crafter I guess. 

The ornament was cut from a different pattern of the DSP, It's called Natural Composition Specialty DSP.  It comes already embossed.  I just added some ink with a sponge dauber and wiped the excess with a paper towel.  I cut the ornaments out with my framelits, and I was off to the races!  :)

Would you like to get this gift card pattern?  Well, I'm giving it for free with every $25 purchase this month.  So you get the pattern AND you get to shop!  Love that!  :)  For those of you who already made a purchase with me this month (minimum $25), check your email for the pattern!  I've already emailed you the PDF.  {I also send a thank you card in the mail for every online purchase, so you should look for those as well, they've all been sent}.  For the template, just print it out using your printer, cut on the solid lines and score on the dotted lines.  I put mine together with tombo liquid glue, but you could use red line sticky tape if you have that on hand too.  You can print this onto any card stock you happen to have laying around.

For those who choose me as your Stampin' Up! demonstrator, a big thank you to you!  I'm working on getting my cards in the mail over this week and next week so please watch for them and I'll see you very soon.  I've been a very busy stamper so I have LOTS to share!

Tonight is my monthly team gathering and swap.  We are swapping cards and scratch tickets!  Maybe we will all get some extra stamps for Christmas! :)  

I hope to see you again here tomorrow!  Same bat time, same bat channel!  :)  I WILL finish the 25 Christmas projects (even though I've started playing with my preorder stuff for January already! :)

Big hugs to you all,
Selene Kempton, Creative Coach

Sr. Manager
My Stampin' Up! Store / 25 Days of Christmas Projects!