
Friday, December 31, 2010

Saturday Sketch Challenge 184

Good Evening to you and a very Happy New Year!

It seems I just got used to writing 2010 and it's already 2011.. That sounds like a date so far in the future! :D

Thank you to all who played along with our blog candy requests.. I read EVERY SINGLE comment and want to thank you for sharing your holiday traditions with me.

Sometimes, this time of year can be difficult for many people and I can honestly tell you, just reading your stories of family, down to the simplest tradition, made my week extra special!

I could never choose based on the wonderful responses for you, so I went to to choose my blog candy winner.

So Donna who wrote "Love this card - reminds me of my childhood and Christmas." has won the blog candy! If this was your comment, please just contact me to pick up your prize!

What a super cute sketch this week!
I used some of the designer paper out for valentines day, and decided to take this scrapbook worthy paper, and make a card!

Clean and simple, all we do need is love, wouldn't you say?

Happy New Year friends!
Rubbah hugs,
Selene Kempton

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas ~ Saturday Sketch Challenge

Good Morning and a Very Merry Christmas from my family to yours...

I would just like to take a few moments and thank you for your encouragement and kind thoughts and comments that you leave for me, making me smile, all year long. It really does fuel the fire and keeps me motivated to create new projects for your inspiration.
Please read on to find out about the operator blog candy this week.

I decided to keep this week's card VERY simple. Sometimes, less is more and I'm really in love with the clean and simple style lately.

Here's a cool little tip for you... If you follow my posts over on stamping411, you already know that a 4 1/4" square card can be mailed in a medium envelope for no extra postage, and just the fact the the card is square would mean you would pay an extra .20 cents in postage at the post office...

Well here's another tip... When I mail a card with a brad, or a bow or some other object that is sticking up (like the card below). I flip the card inside out before I mail it. With an object sticking out, they get caught in the postal machines and make the letters non machinable. Just turning the card inside out, gives your card a little insulation, without adding weight. :D

So how about some measurements:

Base: 8 1/2" x 4 1/4", scored and folded in half at 4 1/4" (I used a corner rounder on two sides)
Layer 2: 3 1/4" square
Layer 3: 3 1/8" Square

On top of layer 3, I added some tombo, multipurpose adhesive, (the one that comes in the green tube) to add the chunky glass glitter.

I tied some seam binding on around the card and tied a bow. (i used the bunny ears method)

Layer 4: Then I stamped "merry" on some scraps, and punched the heart shape below.. Less really is more!
I'm so very thankful for the abundance of friendships that I have made since becoming a demonstrator almost five years ago. When looking through my "stash" to find something to give as blog candy for this week, I saw this stamp set with the very appropriate quote

"Thank you for touching my life."

and I knew that this was the set I was going to give for blog candy.
The whole reason that I decided to start my own stamping business was to be there for my daughter when she gets out of school, or for her class party, or for ANYTHING that she needs. Many times my family has gone without to make that all happen, but when I look at my beautiful little girl, I know in my heart that it is what I was meant to do.

I am with the right company, at the right time, doing EXACTLY what I am supposed to be doing. I thank God for the blessings in my life, those wonderful friendships, and for the opportunity to do what I LOVE for my job, while being RIGHT HERE for my little one.

I have started a few traditions in my house that are different from the ones that I did as a child. Every year, my daughter and I create a gingerbread house together. This is time that I cherish and I KNOW that my daughter will always remember. If you have time, please leave me a comment and share your favorite Christmas/Holiday tradition to be entered into my drawing for this gorgeous stamp set next week.

Please check out the other operators posts and leave a comment for them.. You may win some candy! I can't wait to read about your family traditions.. Peace and joy to you all. Thank you again for everything...
Rubbah hugs,
Selene Kempton

Friday, December 17, 2010

Saturday Sketch Challenge 182

Good Evening Friends!

I'm home alone tonight, but thinking of heading to the bowling ally to see my hubby and sweet daughter. This image so reminds me of Alexis, and no matter how "grown up" she gets, I think that this is how I will always see her.

I decided to keep it very simple today.

Here are my measurments

Base: 5 1/4 x 10 1/2" scored and folded in half at 5 1/4"
Layer 2: Cherry Cobbler 5 1/8"
Layer 3: Blushing bride 5" square
Layer 4: Cherry Cobbler 4 3/4" x 1 5/8"
Layer 5 Blushing Bride 4 5/8" x 1 1/2:
Layer 6: Cherry cobbler 4 3/8" square
Layer 7: Vanilla 4 1/4" square
Layer 8: 2 1/2" circle punch...

Wow.. there's a lot of layers here!

This is still really simple with a little embossing using my big shot and water coloring with markers.

When I watercolor. I use an aquapainter and pick up a little color from a plastic bag. I "wash" the color all over the image, then add accents with the straight marker! Easy as Pie!

I used sticky strip on the back of my big circle to attach the seam binding ribbon from Stampin' Up! Then I made a double loop bow with my handy bow maker (made by operator Lee Conrey) and that's all she wrote!

I hope you have time to play along this week! Make sure you check back next week... a little birdy told me that ALL the operators will be doing something special for Christmas.

Rubbah hugs,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The season of Giving ~ Shelli Gardner was on the today show!

Please click the link below to view the video. I'm so proud to work with a company that always gives back.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Monday, December 13, 2010

Getting Back in the Saddle

Although this card was very simple to make, I really LOVE the message. Simple and beautiful, it gets back to the true meaning of Christmas.

I snuck down into the studio this morning for a quick mojo Monday card. I've written out just about EVERY single Christmas card I've made, and I haven't even done the family cards. I'm a big fan of sketch challenges, and I just love Julee's awesome style.

I was on vacation for the past three weeks and this is the very first time I've stamped. I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season. I hope to get to do some more projects today.

The sentiment and cross were embossed in gold.

Have a great day!

Selene Kempton

Friday, December 10, 2010

Saturday Sketch Challenge 181

Good Evening Friends!

I'm very excited to be back from vacation. I'm exhausted and need another vacation to recuperate! I was in bed at 8:30 last night!

We had QUITE the road trip and I still feel a little disconnected, but here goes! Around the holiday's especially, I love a clean and simple style card. It shouldn't take two hours to create a card at this time of year when the hustle and the bustle could pick you up and carry you away!

This is a card that I created before I left for vacation using my digital studio. I'm out of Christmas cards. Sure, I've written a bunch out, but I'm completely OUT! I was thinking it would be good to print some of these and make a hybrid card with them.

What do you think?

I just love the photo... Can you see she cut her own bangs?... She's still beautiful!

Anyway ~ I hope you have a few moments to play along this week. I love this time of year and can't wait to see what you come up with. Click here to play along with the operators!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Saturday Sketch Challenge 180

Greetings From Walt Disney World!

I am off enjoying camping in Disney with my family this week.

When I saw this week's sketch I felt challenged to say the least... However, I am IN LOVE with this card.

Base 11 x 4 1/4" scored and folded in half at 5 1/2"
Layer 2: 5 x 3 3/4"
Layer 3: 4 7/8" x 3 5/8" (note, this is only 1/8 of an inch smaller on two sides than layer 2. I cut this from designer paper from the mini catalog.

the top two layers were cut from very vanilla card stock... I'll be back on the 8th of December, so I'll have lots to share about our big road trip..

Rubbah hugs,
Selene Kempton