
Friday, February 26, 2010

SSC140 ~ Getting Back to Stamping

It's been quite the week! I haven't stamped in over a week because I've been taking care of my hubby (who's home from the hospital and doing quite well on the IV antibiotics). When I went out to my stamp room tonight to complete this card, I was secretly psyched that it looked simple. I love the clean and simple style cards, and this one certainly fits the bill.

The center panel is from some beautiful designer paper. I was sitting with a customer and she said "I could never use that to make a card" I couldn't help but think, it's already a card. cut down to this size, you don't need much else!

I flipped the elements over to the right side, so I wouldn't cover the big pretty butterfly on the left.

I looked through so many sentiments.. thank you and birthday, and I was looking for a specific one that I misplaced.. I never found it. When I saw this stamp set, I thought "yeah". The word cherish sums up in one lump how I'm feeling.

  1. That gorgeous center panel with the butterflies, is cut to 3x4. From a 12 x 12, you could get enough for 12 cards from one sheet.
  2. Just below that layer is Rose Red cardstock cut at 4 1/4" (so cut an 8 1/2" x 11" piece in half), then cut that long piece at 3 1/4" You can get 6 for every sheet of cardstock, so two pieces, would cover the entire piece of dsp.
  3. The base is 11 x 4 1/4", and it was scored and folded in half at 5 1/2"
Before I leave you tonight, I suggest that you give your loved ones an extra hug. Appreciate the beauty of having all the special people you have in your life. Try and discard negativity. Be kind to one another ~ that goes a long way. Also ~ if you take the time to play along this week with the operators at stamping411, I'm sure you wont be sorry. This is a sketch that I'll return to, over and over again.

Rubbah hugs,
Selene Kempton

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bloggers Challenge ~ A bag or a box

Well ~ It's all my friend Tiffany's fault (love ya girl!). She got me started making the adorable big shot flowers with fabric and then I started eyeballing my Vera Bradley purses and I decided to try it out. Having never sewed before, I think I'm picking it up kind of quick. I guess inspiration and motivation can come from anywhere.

Some have asked me how to do it, and honestly, I'm just using the force, so I don't know what to tell you yet! :) I'm just playing and I'm liking that! I do seem to have an eye for cutting the fabric and making some adorable bags.

First my black and white beauty. This is the second official bag I made (the first one is in my last post). I love this black and white fabric. The more I play with different materials, the more I wish that stampin up would come out with Designer Series Fabric materials.. Prequilted and doublesided. yummy.. I'm drawn to these certain colors anyway, and it's funny how certain bags I want to send to certain people based on their taste. Maybe you'll get one??

It's so hard to see the detail on the front of this with the patterns. There are 3 pockets on the front and 3 inside. The ones on the front would be good for a cell phone. I also put my wristlet into the larger pocket and hook it through the large handle.

Bag #2 I made for a dear friend. I may dress it up a little before I send it to her. It's sort of cute plain... It fits SU's mini catalogs perfectly, and has 3 pockets inside.. Again, i'm thinking cell, snips and snail adhesive. This smaller bag is great with a long handle, and would be good for a day at the amusement park. You could wear it close to your body and not worry about getting pick pocketed. :) All 3 of these bags have magnetic closures sewn into the finish.
Finally, I made this bag yesterday. We've been house bound pretty much with the hubby on IV antibiotics at home for this crazy thing that came on all of a sudden last week. I'm not sure if you can tell by the photo... This bag is a scrappers dream. It has 6 pockets inside, and 3 outside. the pockets are sewn off, so they are a tiny bit shorter. this way, you wont end up with having items lost in the bottom of your bag. There are 3 more pockets on the front. It's sporting an extra long handle and is about 15" wide by 18" tall. It is the perfect bag for transporting 12x12 scrapbook pages. The colors of this bag SO remind me of another friend... Needless to say, I'm learning how to sew and I'm not too bad at it considering i've never had any training.. Guess it's all the same.. A haircut, a cutting paper and sticking it together and now, the same thing with fabric. I'm having fun with it.
I have to say, if you look at the bottom of this bag, I sewed a ledge all the way around, and it stands so nicely on it's own and doesnt flop over... This is my 5th bag, and I think i'm getting pretty good at it. I know this is sort of non stamping related, but i'm feeling a creative wave with sewing lately, so i'm just going to roll with it. When I saw the bloggers challenge asking for bags, I couldnt resist sharing this fun thing i've been doing for the past 2 months with you. I cant wait to see what the other bloggers challenge girls come up with for this project. i'm sure you wont be disappointed.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sewing 4 Robin

First ~ an update... The pneumonia had spread quickly to my hubby's blood stream (which only happens about 1 out of every 100 cases) so that's why he got so sick. Thank God that he's feeling better and on the mend. Hopefully, he will be able to come home tomorrow.

I didn't want my blog to just sit... and since I am able to plug into the internet at the hospital, I thought I'd share this cool project I made for my friend Robin when she and her family visited recently.

Now, before I go into my process, you need to understand that I've never sewed a thing in my life! So ~ I was quite impressed with myself. Since then I've made several more things and replaced a zipper in my gorgeous Stampin' Up logo jacket that was broken. I've been doing repairs ~ fixed a pair of pants, and was able to sew a pocket in my hubby's jacket that kept his keys in his pocket and not down in the coat. :)

This photo was taken at the Owl Diner in Lowell MA, of robin sporting her new mini catalog bag. I went to a local craft store and selected fabrics that I thought she would like. Then using my Big Shot, I cut squares of fabric using my scallop square die.

I started sewing my squares together and my rag bag was coming together nicely. I didn't care for the fact that when it was finished, it seemed floppy to me. So I stitched a dart in the sides, Then I flipped it inside out. I was planning on leaving the fluff out, but I just liked the finished look better.

I made a topper for it and closed it up with velcro.

Unfortunately, you don't see the other pretty fabric I had planned to have showing, but all in all, I don't think it's too shabby for my first time sewing ever!

Well, I've got to run.. The nurses are torturing poor BK with needles. :)

(((rubbah hugs)))

Friday, February 19, 2010

Saturday Sketch Challenge 139

My blog in a way is a bit of a creative diary. Not only do I post my creative thoughts, tips and artwork, but I sometimes veer off on a personal note.

First off, the power of stamping friendships and girlfriends conquers all and I'm so happy and proud to call so many of you friends. These friendships build me up and keep me going on days when I need it. I honestly don't know what I'd do without all of you (and you certainly know who you are). So I'd just like to say thank you and let you know how grateful I am.

Today was a rough day. I've been sick for a few days and haven't really wanted to move. My husband got VERY sick, very quickly starting at about 7pm last night. I didn't get much sleep (poor guy coughed all night), and I'm really quite exhausted.

I took him to our doctor today, who sent him to the ER. His blood pressure was dangerously low and he was surprised Brian was even still walking! So we spent the day at the hospital.. It turns out that BK has a pneumonia in his right lung. He's in a lot of pain on his right side and I'm praying that now he's in the hospital, they'll fix him right up. If you can say a quick prayer for him, I'd certainly appreciate it.

My artwork almost always reflects what is going on in my life. Lately, my mojo hasn't really been in tact, but I haven't been feeling like myself and I'm sure it will pass. When I got home from spending the day in the hospital, I couldn't just go to bed. Maybe I'm too tired? So I made this card for my sweetheart (and the 411 challenge). I love doing sketch challenges, it's like a stretch to get the creative juices flowing.

In a moment's notice the team from the 411 is picking up my slack today, but I'm happy I took the half hour out to make this card for my honey. I think he will really like it. He's a simple guy and doesn't really like a lot of fluff. He may actually "think" that the hardware wasn't necessary, but I think really adds to the finished look (and it's functional ~ holding the paper banner on). I did put this together in only a half hour, so playing along doesn't take too much time.

I really look forward to seeing everyone's creations with the sketches from the 411. I'm always amazed with the level of artwork and craftsmanship.

My base: 11 x 4 1/4" scored in half at 5.5 inches
Layer 2: 5 x 3 3/4
Layer 3: 4 7/8" x 3 5/8" Note: this is just 1/8" smaller on two sides than layer 2 (still simple)

That's all I have for tonight ~ I hope you're all doing well.
(((Big Rubbah Hugs))) And Much Love,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tonight's Birthday Class

Tonight's clean and simple birthday class is going to be so much fun! We'll be making 3 cards each of 4 designs using the birthday bliss stamp set. Each person will get full measurements and cutting suggestions for making the cards afterwards. They are all easy to reproduce and would be excellent for a new stamper.

Here's one of the cards we'll be making. I hope you can make it!

There are still two spots available.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mojo Monday ~ Distressed

I had fun with this morning's mojo sketch. I crumpled rolled, separated my papers and got them all dirty. :)

I used my favorite spring color combination... artichoke, rose red, and apricot.

I started with the dream gardens stamp set and inked my images in the apricot color. I used the rock and roll technique to add the rose red color on the outsides of my bold images. I trimmed, cut and punched out those images and matted them with my distressed artichoke papers.

My little one and hubby are home this week, so i'm glad I got a half hour of stamping in. Happy Monday!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Saturday Sketch Challenge 138

A little too much going on with this card perhaps? This is my stamping 411 card for this week.

You have got to see what my girlfriends did with this sketch. They are all so talented!

The thing that we hear (for feedback) over and over again, is that you love that we give measurements! This makes it easier for you to try a sketch out! I hope you'll play along this week!

I'm very sentimental when it comes to my cards for the troops.

Tonight was set aside for creating cards for the troops. My friend Robin Merriman gave me a whole box of card fronts that need to be made into full cards. These cards will go to Afghanistan and Iraq and be distributed, so our folks overseas will be able to have cards to send home to family.

This is the first time I inked this set up. I'm not sure that I love the outcome, but I love the meaning behind it and I'm determined to try again until I love it :)

This card measures 5 1/4" square. So here are my measurements:

Base is 5 1/4" x 10 1/2" scored and folded in half at 5 1/4"
Second layer: 5 1/8" square
Third Layer 5 1/4 x 1 1/2"
Fourth: ribbon
The main image is 3 1/4" x 2 3/4" and I matted that from there.

Bloggers Challenge ~ Valentine's day

I've been a bad blogger this week.. My little one has been under the weather so nothing else in the house is feeling right. I was happy to already have a bloggers challenge done, well sort of. I made these cute lolly pops using the sweet treat heart shaped cups and had planned to send them in to school with Alexis.

I was getting ready to sit down and do the project when I realized I had bought a package of 30 premade valentines from SU. I didn't want to drag Alexis out to the store to buy things to fill the boxes with, but I found a bag of lolly pops I had purchased at the dollar store a few weeks ago. I broke out the anywhere hole punch and punched a hole in the bottom of these pouches, ran a lolly pop through and attached them to the inside with dimensionals. Then I added a friendlys coupon for a free ice cream inside each one. Alexis wrote them all out herself (not bad for a preschooler).So even though I purchased the premade boxes and went for it, I thought a little bit "outside the box" by punching my hole and putting the lolly in. I do feel just a little bit that I took the easy way out, but is that so bad? TGIF! I cant wait to see what my girlfriends from the bloggers challenge group are up to this week. They never disappoint me with their creativity. :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

mojo monday ~ grown up valentine

Well, it's Monday and off to the races! This week's mojo card will be the card I give to my hubby for valentine's day. I think this sketch is fantastic and "grown up" so it is the perfect way to be inspired for valentines.

My little one is not feeling well, and home from school today, so I'm not sure how much I'm going to get done this week. I'm glad I was able to sneak off to make a quick card while she's sleeping.

I used a rubon, on the brown layer at the bottom to follow the sketch. For the heart, I layered 3 of them, and used the rock and roll technique for the center heart. I think my honey will like this card, it's on the masculine side, right?? Well i guess that big ribbon isn't too manly, but it's from me, and I have a thing for ribbon.

Off to make some chicken soup and check on my little one. Poor little thing..

Friday, February 5, 2010

Saturday Sketch Challenge 137

I wasn't sure that I loved the card I made for the challenge this week. I've had a bit of a creative block. I know, it' happens. :) What bothers me most is that I thought I was going to LOVE this stamp set, and I'm finding myself a bit challenged with it! I will say that I found a cool new technique from a fellow stamper Beth during last weeks 411 challenge. Beth used a cool technique for making the holes in a large oval punch. I used them on my bunny card, but you should go check out her quick tutorial.. BTW Beth, you have lovely hands (don't listen to the hubby). I gave this card to my hostess this week and I have to say, it's been forever since I used ballet blue, but I think I'll be pulling it out some more for spring.

For my second card, I went CRAZY clean and simple. My base is craft, and my second layer is 4 x 2 1/4" craft. There's some punches and a couple of cut images, but that's it for layers, I kept it super simple. I did add quite a bit of glitter.

I hope you have time to play along with the Stamping 411 challenge this week.

Bloggers Challenge ~ Red White and Black

I opted not to make my bloggers challenge card last night, mainly because when I look at this color set I think "valentines". I've made so many valentine cards lately, I'm getting a little burnt on the holiday. :)

This morning I rolled over, and noticed a picture that had been moved to my bedroom. A picture of my little one (at about 18 months) wearing the coolest little ladybug dress. So I went out to my stamp room on a mission to find lady bugs. Lo and behold, here lies garden whimsy. This has been on my shelf for quite sometime, and I can't tell you the last time I used it!

As I started to recreate the little dress I saw when I woke up, I stamped the sentiment "best friends listen to what you don't say" and started to think about my relationships. Not with people that live by me, but my stamper friends. Stampers are truly special people and I feel very lucky to have such beautiful (inside and out) friends.

This card is pretty straight forward, but I'm thinking it could use some crystal effects.. I also think I should be mailing this one off to someone (that's the part I always seem to forget because I'm a card hoarder).

I hope you have a great Friday, TGIF!! I cant wait to see what the other girls from bloggers challenge have come up with for this week.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lisa's Birthday Invites

My girlfriend Lisa was at the house today, we sat down and prepped 50 invitations for her little one's first birthday party. These aren't going to be sent out for a few months, but it's certainly nice to get them taken care of!

We started with spring showers DSP that she had leftover, and used the colors from that to get started. The big gorgeous saffron bow really made it girlie even though we used blue. We used a pretties kit for the bling and the fabric flowers and kept the card pretty flat for mailing by not knotting the bow. We just used the brad to hold it together.

We used the teddy and train stamp set.

Base layer: 11 x 4 1/4" scored in half at 5.5"
Layer 2: 5 x 3 3/4"
Layer 3: 4 7/8" x 3 5/8"
Layer 4: 2 1/8" x 2 3/8"
Layer 5: 2 x 2 1/4"
Designer paper is 5 x 1/2"

I hope you're having a great week and you've had time to stamp something fun!
Selene Kempton

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mojo Monday

I had so much fun putting this mojo monday card together. I veered a little from the sketch so I could stamp with stazon on my satin ribbon. That's what a sketch is supposed to do, inspire!

I layered my stamps on the right hand pane and painted both images with crystal effects and mixed in a little reinker for the color.

I used versamark on the background.

Happy Monday!
Selene Kempton